ACC Learn
ACC Learn is the home of all Learning and Development for Aberdeen City Council employees. Here, you can complete mandatory eLearning modules, as well as browse and enrol onto a wide range of online and face to face courses to increase your personal effectiveness at work.
The Home Page
When you log into ACC Learn you will see the page below. Here you can view your employee dashboard which shows which courses you are in the middle of completing and also your completed courses.
You can also browse courses or if you are looking for a specific course, the Search courses search facility is excellent for this.

Course Navigation
When you enrol on an online course you can work through the course by clicking the different modules on the left-hand menu (as shown below) or scroll through the course as it appears to you on the main screen. (See also below)
Remember, for most courses to record as “Complete” you must have worked through all of the content and any quizzes or assessments.

Course Completion and Certificates
For many of our courses you can download a certificate once you've completed the content. You'll also see clearly what you need to do for the course to record as "Complete" - you might need to navigate through a multimedia course, watch a video, follow a link or fill in a form.
Quick access to some of our most popular categories, courses and pages.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I log into ACC Learn?
Sign in using your council email address ( and use your usual network password (e.g., the password you use for accessing CoreHR).How do I reset my password?
ACC Learn uses your corporate login details - so changing your password in one system will change it in all. If you forget your details you can contact the IT Service Desk or you can reset your password.How do I give temporary access to ACC Learn to non-Council staff?
Everyone with an ACC username/email and password can access ACC Learn in the same way. To grant temporary access to an individual without an ACC username/email account, a manager from the service area should complete the following form.Can I access ACC Learn on a mobile device?
ACC Learn can be accessed from any device using a browser (such as Chrome, Edge, FireFox or Safari). The mobile site is great for accessing content on the go from your work or personal mobile device. Just enter the link shown above and log in as normal.Where can I find my completed courses?
Completed courses are shown in your dashboard under the Completed Courses tab. They're listed in alphabetical order and details when training was completed and if applicable when it is valid to.Why is my course not showing in the completed courses tab?
Sometimes the system sometimes takes a little while to update. Please give the system a chance to mark your course as complete and refresh the page before contacting us.
Remember, for most courses to record as “Complete” you must have worked through all of the content and any quizzes or assessments.
If after a day, your course is still not showing as complete, please get in touch with People Development.
How often do I need to complete my mandatory training?
Employees are expected to complete and refresh their mandatory training as detailed in the table:
What happens to my training records if I change my name?
If your username changes and you get a new email address we can merge your user accounts so that your old training records move with you. If this is your situation then please email People Development team and ask us to merge your user accounts.